The sign is hard to see but it says 9.3 lbs and 21 1/2 inches!
It was really hard getting a pic!

Little Miss Maura was not a fan of this photo shoot...

We grow more and more in love with this baby every day. Kory and I can't keep from saying how much we love her and how much we just want to eat her up! She is ours?!
What we know about our little girl so far...
1. She is a gassy little thing. Which I'm not sure is normal or not, because this is more of a constant thing
2. She loves to watch tv. Don't get me wrong, I don't put her in front of it all the time but whenever there is a tv on she just loves to stare directly at it forever!
3. She loves her bundles
4. She loves to make funny faces....
she is so cute! and she is the size of Elliot and he is TWO months old!! she looks so much like your husband. i think :)