Ok, so I've been asked by a couple of people to post Maura's birth story and I need to tell, and document it before I forget!!
(I have a love/hate relationship with this picture)

On May 31st (memorial day) it was turning out to be a normal Monday, I was of course irritable and uncomfortable but I was excited because we had a doctors appointment at 3:00 and I was hoping he was going to tell me I was dialated and send me to the hospital, but alas he did not. He did however tell me and Kory that it seems very possible this little girl could come within the next week! I thought, "ok, i can do this. One more week is not bad, its not bad, thats not that bad". On the way home I was thinking how nice and HOT it was outside, I even asked Kory if he thought it was way way hot, but he just thought it was a nice comfortable Memorial day. The car said the temp was 71 degrees outside which is perfect! I didn't know why I felt so hot, but I just chalked it up to being pregnant and not used to warmer weather.
We came home and I walked the dog and Kory was luckily working across the street excavating a new house for us. As the day went on I did NOT feel right. I was hot, sweaty, nauseated, and just yucky and on top of everything I was having contractions every 3-7 minutes apart. Around 7 o'clock I decided I didn't care if my friends at work would make fun, mock at my first time Motherly worries and send me home I needed to go to Labor and Delivery just for my peace of mind! Of course when I called Kory in the house and told him we were going, he didn't believe me. And on the entire way to the hospital he had to keep asking me if this was for real. I told him they will most likely send me home anyway so not to worry.
We got to the hospital around 8 o'clock and put into the triage room in L&D. I had a couple of contrations but nothing consistant, (working there I know if it looks serious or not, and mine did not look like I was staying) So, they took some vitals and looked at the baby heart rate. My tempature was 38.0 C. and baby heart rate was up in the 180's (little high) so just to be safe my doctor ordered labs and it turned out there was a reason for my feeling "icky"(for lack of a better term) My total blood count was extremely low which inticated with my temp and baby high heart rate that I had an infection called Chorioamnioitis. Which basically means the baby needs to come out before she got infected. My sweet Dad came to the hospital to give me a blessing with Kory at 1:30 in the morning! After that I felt so much calmer and was ready to have this little girl. They put me in a room right away and started me on some antibiotics and pitocin to make my labor go a little quicker, and dang that stuff works! I got an epidural pretty much right away but the epidural couldn't keep up with how quick my body was laboring, so lets just say it wasn't a pleasant experience! I finally did get comfy at the very end when I was ready to push because the sweet anest. doc gave me a generous redose! After the pit was started I delivered my sweetheart in 6 hours. It was the most memorable experience Kory and I have had. Neither of us will ever forget it!
(I have a love/hate relationship with this picture)

They let me and Kory hold her for about an hour but then had to admit her to the NICU to give her antibiotics to make sure she didn't get the infection I had. It wasn't fun for me not to have my baby with me in my room for the next couple of days, but it was good to know she was being taken care of.
ADORABLE Witney!!!! :) ♥