Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Little Baby is 3 Months!

Its been the best/busiest/crazy/awesome last three months of our lives!

Maura got blessed by Kory, which was so incredible. He did such a good job. Maura looked beautiful! We were lucky enough that my Mom saved my blessing dress so we could have Maura wear it.

I had to take a picture in her little vintage slip she wore also

Maura has started laughing. It is pretty hilarious to see Kory, and I try to get her to laugh because we look like IDIOTS but its to worth it to hear her little giggle. Her little personality is really starting to show through. Some of the other little things we have noticed is she LOVES her baths, loves to kick, loves cuddling with her Daddy, loves to lay on her back, loves to watch the colors on the tv, loves to be outside and would love outside if we let her, she is starting to whine when we put her in her carseat, she is starting to reach for things and gets so excited when she touches something on her own, she recognizes Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, and Mimi's voice and smiles as soon as she hears it. She is not quite in her crib yet but getting really close.

Man, we love this little girl and would never want our lives any other way!

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