Monday, January 4, 2010

Post for a very special someone...

That is to you my sweet little Sister Christopher.

Thank you for talking to me on Christmas, it was the best Christmas present.

Thank you for being the best friend a girl can have.

Thank you for setting an example to everyone around you including me.

Thank you for being so brave.

Thank you for always thinking of others instead of yourself. You are one of the most selfless people I know.

I wish I was with you right now, but I know you will be fine...

You told me you wanted posts every Monday for you to look at Kell, and that is going to be my new year's goal! Love you!

Oh, and here are some pics of Kory, and I on Thanksgiving. Kellie, we are teaching you how to shoot a gun when you get home!


  1. LOVE HER! How did everything go? I hope well! I miss her. What is weird is I dream about her probably 2-3 times a month!

  2. Hey it's me, Kristal, again! Sorry but I had to comment on this post! I hope that Kelli can read this too! It's so nice to see these pictures of Kelli. I think the last time I saw her was at Costco like 3 years ago when I was with my mom and she was with your mom and some kids she was nannying for. I hope everything is going well on her mission! :) She makes an adorable missionary!
