Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Time to blog

I feel like every time I update my blog I need to put some pictures up because I think people won't care to read, they just like to look.....true, or false? So, that is my reason for not updating this like I should!
Millie is driving me CRAZY!! I love the mutt but I can't seem to get her completely potty trained! Every time we made some head way she relapses and pees right on my clothes that are laying on the floor! (good thing they were dirty clothes) We are trying to get her to use a bell that we put on the bottom of the back door so she can just "ring" when she wants out, (Krid's idea) but so far the sound of the bell just scares her......aaagghh. What to do??? I know she is only 12 weeks, so I'll give it more time.


  1. Hi friend. When my dog was potty training, I really thought he was NEVER going to learn. He was actually always pretty good but sometimes he would just swat and start peeing out of nowhere. The one thing that I know helped more than anything though is consistency. My hubs and I would take the dog out at the same time every day and we all stayed on a schedule. Another thing that helped is kenneling him so that he would hold it. And another thing is to watch them outside and make sure they go potty, and as soon as they do bring them in. This worked well especially in the winter time because my dog wouldn't go out because it was cold but I would stand out there with him and as soon as he went we came inside. Oh and one more thing, if they do make a mistake, just hurry and take them outside so they know that's where to go. Try not to yell!!! Hope that helps!!!

  2. Oh just wait. I'm still trying to get Ryan to have at least ONE day accident free.
